
This list is presented in order of appearance in the book. This list was last updated on February 24, 2021:

  • p. 27, n. 27: Should be “consider one of C. S. Lewis’s arguments” instead of “consider one of C. S. Lewis’s argument”.
  • p. 110, next to the last line: Should be “started from first-principles” instead of “started starting from first-principles”.
  • p. 111, line 2 of last para.: Should be “logic (e.g., equals, not)” instead of “logic (e.g., equal, not)”.
  • p. 186, line 8: Delete “elites as leaders” and replace with “of elites”.
  • p. 222, line 5:  Should be “held up signs” instead of “held up signings”.
  • p. 252, last para.: The idea of the distinction between dialogue to convince versus dialogue to understand should be credited to Jennifer Wiseman (through a third-party).